Safety Glass Replacements

Safety Glass Replacements

Since 1936

Call: 01782 614 693 (Open M-F: 9-4)
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About Us

SGR Ltd – The Glass Centre – is located in Newcastle under Lyme and was founded in 1936. Since its inception, SGR has built a reputation for professional advice, reliability and fine quality workmanship.  It is not a company to rest on its laurels and continues to strive to extend and enhance the service it provides. 

Unlike many competitors in the window/glazing sector, SGR doesn’t take a ‘hard sell’ approach. The company is always available to provide advice where needed and with no strings attached. The client base SGR enjoys is wide ranging, from long-standing local residential customers to national contractors from the worlds of development, building, heritage and the public sector.

Whatever, your requirement, feel free to get in touch and let the extensive expertise of SGR be of service to you.


The SGR Family 

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